Sally Anne Carroll | Life, Leadership and Career Coach | Sustainable Success

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Rest, renewal and celebration

Image: Lionello DelPiccolo

It hasn't been my typical entry to the holiday season so far. Since we're not doing any holiday travel (again) this year, I'm taking 2 weeks off instead of the 3 that I normally take. I'm still finishing up my 2021 work and my shopping. And planning for how I want to spend the precious quiet time that I plan out each year for my annual holiday break.

A few things feel very clear this year.

First, how happy I am for a year that, even though it was filled with uncertainty and adjustments, was also marked by some big wins and accomplishments and starting to put new and exciting personal and professional plans into motion.

Second, how grateful I am to have people in my life who I genuinely look forward to spending time with and who enrich my life in different ways. Even when I don't get to see them all in person as much these days.

Third, how important it is to have what I call "peaceful" time carved out on the calendar. Everyone's definition of peace is unique. What feels restful and peaceful to me may not feel that way for you. But the results, physically and emotionally, of taking that time are too many to count.

My idea of "finishing the year strong is about strengthening my reserves and getting clarity on where I'm headed in the new year.

I've started that already, but over the next few weeks, I'll fully sink into those things, and get ready to welcome a new year that promises a lot of new experiences and plenty of unknowns (that seems par for the course these days, right?). I'll say thank you, celebrate the holidays.

Most critically, I'll rest. I will let go of what doesn't matter and I will fully enjoy what does.

It hasn't been an easy year for many of us. Not everyone is feeling merry and bright in this season. Many of us are holding in our hearts those who have experienced loss and hardship this year, including my own family.

But whether your year has been momentous or quiet, happy or sad, challenging or thrilling -- and life is always some blend of this -- each of us needs a little peaceful time. We all need a little time to reflect and relax. Time to play, create and celebrate, to pray or meditate on what matters most. Time to be with ourselves and time to be with those we love. 

Too often, the end of the year becomes rush time. Holidays become busy times instead of celebratory times. Or we sink into the year-end so tired from all that has come before that we can't fully enjoy ourselves.

In their book Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress CycleEmily and Amelia Nagoski point out that we need 42% rest each day to function optimally.

How have you been carving out moments of peaceful rest? Which parts of your holiday or year-end celebrations feel most peaceful, restful and meaningful for you? 

Let's make a pact to show up for and take in those moments, wherever we may find them. 

This can be the perfect time, too, to step back from the busy-ness and acknowledge all that you have accomplished this year. I hope you've been keeping a list of your wins all along... but if not, now's the time to capture and celebrate them.

If you want some help with this, grab the worksheet below and ground yourself in all that you have accomplished, all you have learned and celebrate all of it.

Where have you been moving towards your dreams? 

Where have small steps created big shifts for you?

What felt most aligned and clear this past year? What felt forced?

Celebrate yourself.

Celebrate your wins. 

Embrace all that you have been and done this year. Let go of what's not coming with you. It's time to clear the mental, emotional, physical and environmental decks so that we can focus on the right things in the new year!

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